Why mommy?
Thats all I hear anymore.
Yesterday McKenzie poked me in the eye. I told her not to do it again. Why mommy? LOL Because it hurts thats why.
Shes too cute.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Happy 10 month birthday Nicholas
I can't believe your 10 months already. Where has the time gone? It seems like just yesterday that I gave birth to you.
In the past 10 months you've learned so many things. My favorite of course being to give kisses and say mama.
You've just recently mastered the art of pulling yourself up. I love watching you explore things that were previously out of your reach. Of course my heart breaks for you everytime you fall and bonk your head.
You are a champion eater. I've only found one thing that you don't like. But I can't blame you for not liking it. Your mastering being able to pick up small pieces of food and feed yourself. You look so cute when you have puffs stuck all over your arms and chin.
You can crawl from one end of the room to the other in about 2.2 seconds.
And you love to destroy whatever your sister is playing with.
Even though McKenzie is always pushing you away from her she still loves you. I sometimes think shes squeezing you to death when she gives you hugs.
I love you pickle. I can't wait to see what you learn to do next.
Love Mommy.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Wish me luck.
We're going to start potty training tomorrow. I'm just going to take all the diapers away from her. Hopefully she won't like the sensation of pee running down her legs so she'll use the potty. *crossing my fingers*
Monday, November 10, 2008
Ewww Gross.
Mike found 2 ticks on him yesterday. Today the one got infected. Its all big and pussy and nasty. The doc put him on an antibotic. We're guessing that the tick had some pretty nasty germs on him when he latched on. EWWWW
Saturday, November 8, 2008
He claps!
For the first time yesterday I saw Nicholas clapping. My baby is getting so big. He claps and hes pulling up. Granted hes only pulling himself up to his knees, but still! I love that little guy. I'm trying to get him clapping on video. When I do i'll be sure to post it.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
We need new friends
I'm done. I can't take the onesidedness (is that even a word) anymore. Everything has to be your way or no way. I just feel bad for the kids.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Please go sign this petition!!!!
We need to help raise awareness for Childhood Cancer. We need a cure!
We need to help raise awareness for Childhood Cancer. We need a cure!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Claws and Paws
Claws and Paws is up near the poconos and well its really really nice there. They have tigers and lions and panthers and well just about everything. You can feed the giraffe and you can also feed the lory parrots. You can go into the turtle corral and pet them. They also have a petting zoo that you can feed the sheep, goats and deer. It was alot of fun.
Me and Kenzie petting the turtles, she was kind of afraid of them
Kenzie looking at the meercats
Me feeding the giraffe a carrot. Kenzie wanted nothing to do with him.
Daddy and Kenzie watching the otters.
This was one of the lions. The other one was taking a nap.
Kenzie pretending to be a bear.
Daddys the mommy kangaroo and kenzies the baby. LOL
Daddy and Kenzie in front of the Camel. The black leopard was right across from the camel and he was coughing up a hair ball. Its the most God awful noise i've ever heard. Thats why McKenzie is covering her ears.

Me and Kenzie petting the turtles, she was kind of afraid of them
This place was a lot fun and we hope to go back again next year.
From looking at the feedjit on my site I've been noticing alot of places that i'm not sure who it is. So if you read my blog, comment and let me know who you are and where your from. :)
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
We have teeth!
Its official. On Saturday Nick was eating my hand like normal and I felt something a little sharp. I pried his mouth open and there it was. His first tooth. Then on Sunday I looked again and the other front bottom tooth was through too. I'm so lucky to have two easy teethers. Besides chewing on their hands they don't really have any problems.
Hes also on the move. No, hes not crawling yet, but he is rolling everywhere. I found him earlier today half wedged under the couch. He did not look comfy. He is growing up so fast. It seems like just yesterday that he was still in my belly. WOW.
Hes also on the move. No, hes not crawling yet, but he is rolling everywhere. I found him earlier today half wedged under the couch. He did not look comfy. He is growing up so fast. It seems like just yesterday that he was still in my belly. WOW.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
busy busy
We've been really really busy lately. McKenzie has VBS in Hellertown, so we've been going up to the IL's everynight. Which is nice. We have some company coming to stay the weekend with us, so i've also been cleaning like there is no tomorrow. I hate cleaning.
Oh we also found yesterday that my wonderful kinda-sorta brother who is also my neighbor was stealing cable from us. I'm pissed. He denies it. Big surprise. Sucks for him that it was the cable guy who figured it out. LOL
I'll try to update again later.
Oh we also found yesterday that my wonderful kinda-sorta brother who is also my neighbor was stealing cable from us. I'm pissed. He denies it. Big surprise. Sucks for him that it was the cable guy who figured it out. LOL
I'll try to update again later.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
I just wanted to give everyone a heads up about the logelin blog.
First you will need tissues.
Second he does curse, which to me is understandable with everything he has been through lately. But just in case you are particularly sensitive to language I wanted to let you know first.
First you will need tissues.
Second he does curse, which to me is understandable with everything he has been through lately. But just in case you are particularly sensitive to language I wanted to let you know first.
The logelin family
So I just found out about this family. Matt, Liz and Madeline. Within 27 hours this family had a birth and a death. Madeline was born on March 24, 2008 and on the 25th Liz passed away from a pulmonary embolism.
It really hits home for me. That could have been me. I could be dead right now. Mike could be alone raising our 2 beautiful children by himself........
It really hits home for me. That could have been me. I could be dead right now. Mike could be alone raising our 2 beautiful children by himself........
big girl bed
1 1/2 weeks ago I went up to my MILs house to get the toddler bed that someone had given us before McKenzie was even born. I figured it was time. She did amazingly great in it for the first 4 or 5 nights. Then it went downhill. Unfortantly we live next door to a very annoying resteraunt/bar that doesn't close until 2:30am. So every night we deal with loud drunk ppl outside. Normally it doesn't wake Kenzie up and if it does its only for a second and she goes right back to sleep. Well since she was in her BGB she could get out. So she was getting out of bed and coming into our room. We would take her back to her bed and sometimes even lay down with her. She would not fall back asleep. Eventually because we were to exhausted to keep trying we would just bring her into our bed where she would lay there talking to herself for hours. She would also pull my hair and tickle mike. Not so much normally, even less fun at 3 in the morning.
SOOOOOOO the point of this is that Kenzies BGB got revoked. Yup. She is now back in her crib. The funny part was that when I started to put her crib back together she got sooooo excited. I think she missed it. So everything is back to normal now. Thank goodness. I couldn't take anymore sleepless nights.
SOOOOOOO the point of this is that Kenzies BGB got revoked. Yup. She is now back in her crib. The funny part was that when I started to put her crib back together she got sooooo excited. I think she missed it. So everything is back to normal now. Thank goodness. I couldn't take anymore sleepless nights.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Guitar Hero
I have to say that this game absolutly rocks! For the longest time I kept saying that I would never play it because I just didn't see a point to it. Well a couple of months ago our neighbor bought Rock Band for PS2 and we all fell in love with it. So I figured we would try out guitar hero. We went and got it today. I was all excited because I was price shopping online and sears has it for 59 bucks instead of the normal 89. But of course the closest store to me that had it in stock was in Coral Springs, FL. Ya, let me just hop in the car and drive 15oo miles!!!!! LOL. So we went out and bought a newspaper to see if sears had it listed in their weekly tab. They did! So we took the ad to walmart and got it there for 59 bucks! But of course we then had to buy another guitar so both me and Mike could play at the same time. That ran us another 50 bucks. Yowzers.
I read this little article type thing today about Sheriff Joe Arpaio. From what I read I can already say that I am def a fan of his. Heres a little background on him, hes the sheriff who made a "tent city" jail. Basically the inmates live outside in tent type things. In Arizona no less. I think this is awesome. He also makes them be on chain gangs. He wanted to take away their cable TV too, but found out that it is a law that they have it, so he only lets them watch the disney channel and the weather channel. NO smoking, NO porn. Finally someone who realizes that we as tax payers shouldn't be responsible for paying for rapists and murders and theives, ect. Now if we could just get alot more "jails" like this one! I know that if I had to live in a "tent" jail I'd be alot less likely to commit another crime that would put me back there.
So now the update on the kids. They are doing pretty good. All of Kenzies 2yr molars are almost through. I can not wait until they are all in. 1 1/2 more to go. Hopefully she'll stop being so freaking cranky. I love the girl to death but she has a temper. I don't know who she gets that from though :)
Nicholas is getting so big. Hes almost ready to start solids. I like to wait until they are atleast 6 months old. So almost there. He has thrush pretty bad. I just can't get rid of it. Hes been on the antiboitic for 20 days now and nothing. I'm going to try something new tomorrow. I just have to go to the store and buy it. Thanks to all my ladies on the cranbaby board who suggested it to me. I'm praying this will finally kick the thrush.
I got his jumperoo out the other day. He loves it. He doesn't quite get the jumping concept of it yet, but he can sway himself back and forth and make the music go off so hes cool.
I promise that once Mike gets me either new camera batteries or a new camera I will get some pics on here. Its been a while!
I read this little article type thing today about Sheriff Joe Arpaio. From what I read I can already say that I am def a fan of his. Heres a little background on him, hes the sheriff who made a "tent city" jail. Basically the inmates live outside in tent type things. In Arizona no less. I think this is awesome. He also makes them be on chain gangs. He wanted to take away their cable TV too, but found out that it is a law that they have it, so he only lets them watch the disney channel and the weather channel. NO smoking, NO porn. Finally someone who realizes that we as tax payers shouldn't be responsible for paying for rapists and murders and theives, ect. Now if we could just get alot more "jails" like this one! I know that if I had to live in a "tent" jail I'd be alot less likely to commit another crime that would put me back there.
So now the update on the kids. They are doing pretty good. All of Kenzies 2yr molars are almost through. I can not wait until they are all in. 1 1/2 more to go. Hopefully she'll stop being so freaking cranky. I love the girl to death but she has a temper. I don't know who she gets that from though :)
Nicholas is getting so big. Hes almost ready to start solids. I like to wait until they are atleast 6 months old. So almost there. He has thrush pretty bad. I just can't get rid of it. Hes been on the antiboitic for 20 days now and nothing. I'm going to try something new tomorrow. I just have to go to the store and buy it. Thanks to all my ladies on the cranbaby board who suggested it to me. I'm praying this will finally kick the thrush.
I got his jumperoo out the other day. He loves it. He doesn't quite get the jumping concept of it yet, but he can sway himself back and forth and make the music go off so hes cool.
I promise that once Mike gets me either new camera batteries or a new camera I will get some pics on here. Its been a while!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Uh-oh momma uh-oh
McKenzie has a new phrase that she says all the time now. uh-oh mommy uh-oh. She has this funny little face that she makes whenever she says it too. I'm trying to get a picture of it.
Alot has happened since the last time I updated. We went to New York for a week. It was fun. We were in Auburn NY which has to be one of the most boringist towns EVER!!!! Seriously, they had a diner there that closed at 4pm everyday. Seriously a diner that closes at 4!!!! We did take the kids up to Rochester on day to go to the Strong National Museum of Play. They had alot of fun there and I must say even I had fun. I think one of Kenzies favorite parts was the mini Wegmans. Everything they had was kid sized. The kids went in and they could get there own little cart and go shopping for food. The "food" was the actually packaging of foods. Then they could take it to the register and put it on the belt and ring it up. They would actually get a real receipt. It was pretty cool.
ROFL Austin Powers Goldmember is on and i'm just kind of listening to it. They were just at the part where Austin sees ben savages mole. LOL Mole, Mole, you have a MOLE!!! Its pretty funny.
So Nicholas is trying to sit up on his own now. He will be 5 months on Wednesday. Its going by so fast. I feel bad for the poor kid though. He has second child syndrome. You know, the one where the first child gets nine bazillion pictures taken of them, but the second one get likes none. I mean seriously Mike took over 200 of McKenzie in the hospital. Nicholas had about 20 taken of him. Oh well. As long as he knows that we do love him everything should be okay.
We got a membership to our local pool this year. We've already gone alot. Kenzie loves it. They have a kiddie pool that is only a foot deep and she loves to run around and play. She of course has fallen a couple of times and gone under. But once she coughs up all the water and gets a hug from me or Mike shes back to running around again.
I'm going to post some pictures tomorrow. I'm to tired to do it now.
Alot has happened since the last time I updated. We went to New York for a week. It was fun. We were in Auburn NY which has to be one of the most boringist towns EVER!!!! Seriously, they had a diner there that closed at 4pm everyday. Seriously a diner that closes at 4!!!! We did take the kids up to Rochester on day to go to the Strong National Museum of Play. They had alot of fun there and I must say even I had fun. I think one of Kenzies favorite parts was the mini Wegmans. Everything they had was kid sized. The kids went in and they could get there own little cart and go shopping for food. The "food" was the actually packaging of foods. Then they could take it to the register and put it on the belt and ring it up. They would actually get a real receipt. It was pretty cool.
ROFL Austin Powers Goldmember is on and i'm just kind of listening to it. They were just at the part where Austin sees ben savages mole. LOL Mole, Mole, you have a MOLE!!! Its pretty funny.
So Nicholas is trying to sit up on his own now. He will be 5 months on Wednesday. Its going by so fast. I feel bad for the poor kid though. He has second child syndrome. You know, the one where the first child gets nine bazillion pictures taken of them, but the second one get likes none. I mean seriously Mike took over 200 of McKenzie in the hospital. Nicholas had about 20 taken of him. Oh well. As long as he knows that we do love him everything should be okay.
We got a membership to our local pool this year. We've already gone alot. Kenzie loves it. They have a kiddie pool that is only a foot deep and she loves to run around and play. She of course has fallen a couple of times and gone under. But once she coughs up all the water and gets a hug from me or Mike shes back to running around again.
I'm going to post some pictures tomorrow. I'm to tired to do it now.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
No way Jose!!!
wow I can't believe how fast Nicholas is growing. Hes already 3 1/2 months old. He weighs aprox 13 lbs, thats more then double his birth weight!!! Hes definitely my little chunker!! We weighed McKenzie today too and shes only 22lbs. Nicholas is going to be so my bigger then her, LOL.
I'm having such a hard time getting her to eat. I just keep saying that she won't starve herself. All she wants to eat are animal crackers and Bananas. Granted the bananas aren't bad for her, but its not good for her to have alot of them either. GRRR. Hopefully she'll start to eat more soon.
Everything around here is going good. We did the MS walk on Sunday. That was quite exhausting. It was 5.5 miles and we walked the whole thing. It felt so good though. I can't wait to be able to get out and walk alot more. The weather just needs to get a little warmer and we'll be good to go!
I'm having such a hard time getting her to eat. I just keep saying that she won't starve herself. All she wants to eat are animal crackers and Bananas. Granted the bananas aren't bad for her, but its not good for her to have alot of them either. GRRR. Hopefully she'll start to eat more soon.
Everything around here is going good. We did the MS walk on Sunday. That was quite exhausting. It was 5.5 miles and we walked the whole thing. It felt so good though. I can't wait to be able to get out and walk alot more. The weather just needs to get a little warmer and we'll be good to go!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Mrs. Kichline!
Yup, you read that right, me and Mike finally got married last tuesday. YAY!!! It was only a small ceremony at the local courthouse. My mom, his parents and our best friends were there. Along with mckenzie and nicholas. I wasen't stressed at all during the day, in fact I even went about my normal routine of cleaning and taking care of the kids. But then suddenly 2:30 came and I started to panic. I had to get a shower, so did mike and the kids needed baths. I only had 1 and 1/2 hour to get ready. We did succeed though. But right as we were getting ready to walk out the door I realized that we didn't have the rings with us. So I go upstairs to get them and they are not where I had left them. So I call Sarah, mikes mom and my mom upstairs and we tear our bedroom apart. We never did find them in time. I was sooooo upset. I knew that we'd find them 5 minutes after we got home. And guess what we did.
Nicholas is getting so big. He can roll over from tummy to back. He has also started smiling alot lately.
Mckenzie is such a little mommy. I'm not really allowed to do anything for nicholas except change his diaper. She gets so mad at me if I feed him. She wants to be the one to do that. Its really cute though. I was so worried that she wouldn't like him, but she does!
We went and got some professional pictures taken on saturday. I can't wait to go and pick them up. It was a very tiring process. Mckenzie didn't want to really cooperate, she only wanted to play on the rocking horse that they had there. Nicholas did pretty good, but he didn't want to hold his head up when he was on his tummy. We still got a lot of good shots though.
I'm so excited for spring to finally be here. I can't wait for it to warm up just a little more though. I want to be able to take walks everyday and to go to the park . I've got a lot of baby weight to lose!!
I love this picture of Mckenzie
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
So I don't have alot of time to update right now as it is midnight and I should be in bed sleeping.
I just wanted to let everyone know that I am walking for MS this year. If anyone would like to sponser me, please let me know and I will tell you how. Thank you.
P.S. I'll update tomorrow.
I just wanted to let everyone know that I am walking for MS this year. If anyone would like to sponser me, please let me know and I will tell you how. Thank you.
P.S. I'll update tomorrow.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
its been a while
So I haven't updated in a while. We've been through alot in the past month and a half.
Nicholas was born on January 16th, 2008. He was 6lbs and 12ozs 19 inches. He had some major jaundice so for almost a week and a half we were going to the hospital everyday to get his blood test done. It got a little scary there for a little bit. His levels were getting pretty high. But thankfully they came down and he didn't have to be hospitalized.
Then on February 4th I ended up going to the hospital because I was having extreme back and shoulder pain. We thought that I had just pulled a muscle in my back. Well the immediately took me back to a room. The doc came in and examined me. He said he thought I either had a kidney stone or a gallstone. Okay, not a big deal, I can deal with that. He sent me for a CAT scan and the results came back saying that I had Pneumonia. He said he didn't like that because he didn't hear anything going on in my lungs so he sent me for another CAT scan this time with the IV contrast stuff. Well he gets the results. They aren't good. I have a giant blood clot in my right lung. I was in so much pain because part of my lung had died. So I was admitted to the hospital for a week and put on blood thinners. I was also on some pretty heavy duty pain killers, such as Dilantin, Morphine, Vicodin, Percocets.
We also have recently found out that I have a blood disorder called Protein S Deficiency. Which basically means that my blood clots more then it supposed too. So I'm going to have to be on Coumodin for the rest of my life. But I will still be able to lead a normal life, which makes me okay with having to be on the meds forever. I'd rather be alive then dead.
So anyway, back to my PE story. I was discharged from the hospital on Friday the 8th. On Saturday morning I woke up and just cried and cried and cried. I didn't know what was wrong with me. Well that night I ended up going back to the ER that night because I was in a lot of pain again. I thankfully was okay and nothing new had developed so I sent home with some more pain meds. On Sunday I cried some more. I couldn't take it. Me and Mike were watching TV and a commercial came on about Post Pardom Depression. As soon as I saw it I knew that was what was wrong with me. So off the ER we went again. This time it was to talk to the crisis councilors. All they wanted to do was admit me to the psych ward. I relunctly agreed. I thought they would put me on some meds and everything would be okay, I'd be able to go home the next day. Well as soon I got up there, I immediately wanted to leave. I had to beg them to release me. Thankfully they did. So on Monday mike took me to the crisis center at Doylestown hospital and they put me on meds. Within 2 days I was feeling better.
On Tuesday the 12th we had to take Nicholas to the Dr. for his cold. Well it turned out he had RSV. So we had to take him to the ER so he could get admitted. He was admitted to the peds unit for 2 days. Hes all better now though!!!!!
McKenzie took everything okay. We sent her up to Mikes parents house for almost a week. She had fun, thats the most important part. I don't know what I would have done if she would have gotten traumatized by it all.
Well its march now and everything is finally back to normal and going good. I just have to get used to taking a buttload of pills every night. The hard part is that I have to take the coumodin at the same time every night. Plus right now I have to go once a week to get my blood drawn to test my INR level. (it has to be between 2 and 3).
Okay, I think I've typed enough for the night. I promise to keep up more now that I'm feeling better!!!
Monday, January 14, 2008
I'm done! :/
Ya right. I wish I was done. I have a week left until my due date, but I don't know if I can make it that long. I'm always tired and i'm always uncomfy. This little guy is taking up all my room. I can't walk up the stairs without being out of breath. Okay, so I had to get that out. Sorry for the whining. I've been having contractions for over a week now. We'll see on wenesday if they have done anything productive!
We took McKenzie to feed the ducks on Saturday and she had so much fun. I think we're going to do it every week. She wanted to be held though. But I can't really blame her. The geese came over soon and they get right up to you. Some of them were bigger then she is!!! She had no problem throwing them popcorn and bread though. I forgot the camera, OF COURSE, so i'll have to remember to bring it with us next time we go.
We took McKenzie to feed the ducks on Saturday and she had so much fun. I think we're going to do it every week. She wanted to be held though. But I can't really blame her. The geese came over soon and they get right up to you. Some of them were bigger then she is!!! She had no problem throwing them popcorn and bread though. I forgot the camera, OF COURSE, so i'll have to remember to bring it with us next time we go.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
We're getting close.....
Wow, there is so much going on lately. I'm almost 38 weeks pregnant, which means that this little guy could come at any time now. I think I finally have everything ready for him. I just have to get the bassinet and carseat out of the attic and get our bags packed.
I was able to get a new vehicle yesterday. I got an 03 chevy venture. For those who don't know, its a mini-van. Mike likes it. He just won't admit it, lol. He says he like it alot more if it wasn't a van. But he does agree that a van is the most practical thing for us right now. I'm starting to heal up pretty good. The bruises from the accident are slowly fading. Atleast it doesn't look like I get beat anymore.
Frick and Dustin are trying to talk me into suing the lady who pulled out in front of me. I can see their point, but I'm not really sure that I want to do that. I can't sue for bodily injury, not that I had ALOT anyway, it was just alot of bruising. If we are going to sue the only thing we are going to sue for is the difference between what her insurance company is giving me for the camry and what it is costing us to get a new vehicle. (Which is only a couple of thousand) I don't know. I'm going to call the lawyer tomorrow and talk to him, its free for me to that. Then me and Mike will go from there.
McKenzie is definitely starting to show her "terrible twos". Whenever she doesn't get her own way its like all hell has broken loose. It gets a little frustrating at times, but I just keep reminding myself that it is the age and the fact that she can't fully verbalize what she wants just yet. She is adding more and more words to her vocab daily though. It is amazing to just watch her grow. I remember the day she was born like it was just yesterday. She was soooo tiny. Now shes turning into my big girl. Its hard to believe that she really is 2!!!
I was able to get a new vehicle yesterday. I got an 03 chevy venture. For those who don't know, its a mini-van. Mike likes it. He just won't admit it, lol. He says he like it alot more if it wasn't a van. But he does agree that a van is the most practical thing for us right now. I'm starting to heal up pretty good. The bruises from the accident are slowly fading. Atleast it doesn't look like I get beat anymore.
Frick and Dustin are trying to talk me into suing the lady who pulled out in front of me. I can see their point, but I'm not really sure that I want to do that. I can't sue for bodily injury, not that I had ALOT anyway, it was just alot of bruising. If we are going to sue the only thing we are going to sue for is the difference between what her insurance company is giving me for the camry and what it is costing us to get a new vehicle. (Which is only a couple of thousand) I don't know. I'm going to call the lawyer tomorrow and talk to him, its free for me to that. Then me and Mike will go from there.
McKenzie is definitely starting to show her "terrible twos". Whenever she doesn't get her own way its like all hell has broken loose. It gets a little frustrating at times, but I just keep reminding myself that it is the age and the fact that she can't fully verbalize what she wants just yet. She is adding more and more words to her vocab daily though. It is amazing to just watch her grow. I remember the day she was born like it was just yesterday. She was soooo tiny. Now shes turning into my big girl. Its hard to believe that she really is 2!!!
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