Well it seems like the whole family is sick right now. It all started on the day of Nicholas' party. That was two weeks ago. I finally went to the doctor yesterday because I woke up with such a horrible sore throat. I couldn't talk and I felt like there were razor blades in my throat. The doc said that it seems like it started out as something viral, but it just wasn't going away. So she put me on a Zpack. Which is just a really strong antibotic. Hopefully that will do something. I have to call the ped on Monday and see if they want to see the kids. I hope not.
A while back we got a Babies R Us ad in the mail and it had a Tinkerbell bed in there. Well Mckenzie saw it and wanted it immediatly. Mike told her that in order for her to get it she had to be a big girl and use the potty. She has been doing amazing. We haven't really had any problems with it at all. She only had a couple of accidents, but they weren't anything major.
So because she has been doing so well we went today to go get the bed. It took me and Mike almost 2 hours to get the darn thing together. GRRR. When we were done she looked at it then looked at us and went Its perfect! I love it. Its beautiful. God I love that girl.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
Happy Birthday Nicholas!
Dear sweet baby boy-
One year ago today at 4:30pm you were born. You weighed in at 6lbs 12ozs and were 19 inches long.
You were/are perfect! I fell in love with you instantly.
Your big sister couldn't wait to meet you!
I loved being in the hospital with you. It was our special bonding time. Just you and me.
When you were 4 weeks old you had RSV. It was severe enough that they admitted you to the hospital. I'm so sorry mommy wasn't completely in her right state of mind. I still never left your side. Thankfully you recovered pretty quickly and you got released on February 14th. Valentine's day. That was the best present I ever got.
You started growing up so fast. Once you found your toes you would chew on them constantly. They are some of the smelliest things ever!!! You get that from your daddy!
This is one of my all-time favoritist picture of you. Once you learned how to blow raspberries it was all over. Every time you would look at me and do it my heart would just melt.
Mommy loves you so much. Before your sister was born I never thought it was possible to love someone as much as I love you two. Whenever I'm having a bad day all you have to do is look at me and smile. You make everything all better.
One year ago today at 4:30pm you were born. You weighed in at 6lbs 12ozs and were 19 inches long.

I love you pickle, always and forever, no matter what!
Love Mommy.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
I'm so not ready for this
Why mommy?
Thats all I hear anymore.
Yesterday McKenzie poked me in the eye. I told her not to do it again. Why mommy? LOL Because it hurts thats why.
Shes too cute.
Thats all I hear anymore.
Yesterday McKenzie poked me in the eye. I told her not to do it again. Why mommy? LOL Because it hurts thats why.
Shes too cute.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Happy 10 month birthday Nicholas
I can't believe your 10 months already. Where has the time gone? It seems like just yesterday that I gave birth to you.
In the past 10 months you've learned so many things. My favorite of course being to give kisses and say mama.
You've just recently mastered the art of pulling yourself up. I love watching you explore things that were previously out of your reach. Of course my heart breaks for you everytime you fall and bonk your head.
You are a champion eater. I've only found one thing that you don't like. But I can't blame you for not liking it. Your mastering being able to pick up small pieces of food and feed yourself. You look so cute when you have puffs stuck all over your arms and chin.
You can crawl from one end of the room to the other in about 2.2 seconds.
And you love to destroy whatever your sister is playing with.
Even though McKenzie is always pushing you away from her she still loves you. I sometimes think shes squeezing you to death when she gives you hugs.
I love you pickle. I can't wait to see what you learn to do next.
Love Mommy.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Wish me luck.
We're going to start potty training tomorrow. I'm just going to take all the diapers away from her. Hopefully she won't like the sensation of pee running down her legs so she'll use the potty. *crossing my fingers*
Monday, November 10, 2008
Ewww Gross.
Mike found 2 ticks on him yesterday. Today the one got infected. Its all big and pussy and nasty. The doc put him on an antibotic. We're guessing that the tick had some pretty nasty germs on him when he latched on. EWWWW
Saturday, November 8, 2008
He claps!
For the first time yesterday I saw Nicholas clapping. My baby is getting so big. He claps and hes pulling up. Granted hes only pulling himself up to his knees, but still! I love that little guy. I'm trying to get him clapping on video. When I do i'll be sure to post it.
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